Land Surveying
Since our beginning we have worked for many of America’s largest companies. Surveying for TDWR towers for eight of the east coasts largest airports. We have done major and minor subdivisions for private land developers. construction layout, inventory management for industrial manufacturing.
While working on large projects we have maintained a base of small to medium size clients in the fields of real estate, title insurance, mortgage loans and the legal profession as well as the public.
We use high precision Trimble state of the art robotic and GPS equipment. All drafting is done in the latest version of Auto-Cad and Civil 3D.
- ALTA / ACSM Land Surveys
- LOMA and eLOMA Letters of Map Amendment
- Residential, Commercial and Industrial Land Surveying
- Boundary Analysis
- Subdivisions
- Zoning Analysis Plans
- FEMA Flood Elevation Certificates
- Topographic Surveys
- Construction Plans
- Condominium Plans and Certificates
- Accident Scene Surveys
- Monitoring Well Locations
- Aerial Photographic Targeting
- Large Boundaries
- Utility Locations and Inventory
- GPS & Robotic Trimble state of the art high precision points
- Auto-Cad and Civil 3D Mapping